What Is Adhidaivika Tapa In Yoga Practice?

What Is Adhidaivika Tapa In Yoga Practice?

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What is Adhidaivika Tapa?

Adhidaivika tapa is a type of spiritual practice within the ancient yogic tradition of India. It is a practice of self-discipline and purification, meant to help one reach a higher level of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. It involves controlling one’s body, mind, and spirit and is believed to bring about profound physical, mental, and spiritual transformation.

Adhidaivika tapa is composed of five main components: physical practices, breath control, meditation, contemplation, and devotion to a higher power. These five components work together to create a powerful and effective practice that can bring about self-realization, spiritual awakening, and a deeper connection to the divine.

Components of Adhidaivika Tapa

There are traditionally six main physical practices associated with adhidaivika tapa. These include Ahimsa or Nonviolence, Bala or Strength, Forgoing food or Fasting, Forgoing sleeping or Sleeplessness, Svadhyaya or self-study, and Tapah or austerity.

  • Ahimsa or Nonviolence- Ahimsa is an essential practice of adhidaivika tapa. It means non-violence towards all beings and a firm commitment to refraining from harming any living thing. It means not killing, not eating meat or fish, and not using harmful or abusive language.

  • Bal or Strength- Bal or strength is the practice of overcoming and overcoming fear. It involves facing and overcoming one’s fears, both inner and outer, to achieve true strength and self-mastery.

Adhidaivika Tapa in Yoga

  • Forgoing Food or Fasting- Fasting is another practice that goes back to ancient times and is still found in many cultures today. Through fasting, one can cleanse both the body and mind and achieve a higher level of awareness and self-realization.

  • Forgoing Sleeping or Sleeplessness- The act of not sleeping is known as sleeplessness. In yogic thought, sleep is considered a state of ignorance in which the mind and consciousness are dulled. Sleeplessness helps to bring the mind back to a state of awareness and alertness.

  • Svadhyaya or Self-Study- Svadhyaya is the practice of self-study or self-reflection. It means looking at one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and being honest and open about them.

  • Tapah or Austerity- Tapah or austerity involves the practice of self-discipline and self-control, and is meant to help one break free of one’s self-imposed limitations.

Breath Control in Adhidaivika Tapa

Breath control is considered one of the most important parts of a yogic practice, as it is from the breath that all other practices flow. Two main types of breath control in Yogic Practice are –

Antar Kumbhaka (Retention of Breath) and Bahir Kumbhaka (Holding and expulsion of Breath).

  • Antar Kumbhaka (Retention of Breath) – Antar kumbhaka is the practice of holding in one’s breath. There are two types of antar kumbhaka. The first is a short retention of the breath after an inhalation. The second is a long and complete retention of the breath after an inhalation.

  • Bahir kumbhaka (Holding and expulsion of Breath) – Bahir kumbhaka is the practice of holding the breath out after an exhalation. Bahir kumbhaka is generally practiced after antar kumbhaka.

Meditation in Adhidaivika Tapa

Meditation is a practice that helps one calm their mind and gain a sense of mental and physical relaxation and peace. There are many different types of meditation, and a Meditation Retreat in Rishikesh offers a variety of techniques to explore, allowing participants to experience deep relaxation and mental clarity.

The goal of adhidaivika tapa is to practice a type of meditation known as dhyana or savikalpa samadhi. Dhyana or savikalpa samadhi is a process of focusing one’s awareness on a single point or object, such as one’s breath, and letting all other thoughts and distractions subside. It is a type of meditation that, when done correctly, allows one to reach a state of uninterrupted, restful, and blissful awareness.

Contemplation in Adhidaivika Tapa

Contemplation is a practice that involves sitting in quiet, letting go of all thoughts, and focusing on one’s own inner self and connection to the divine. Contemplation is a type of meditation that helps one to become more open-minded and non-judgmental of themselves and others. It involves establishing a connection with the higher power, letting go of preconceived notions, and being open to new understandings and insights.

Adhidaivika Tapa in Yoga

Devotion in Adhidaivika Tapa

Devotion is the practice of connecting with and expressing gratitude to a higher power. It is an act of love, gratitude, and reverence toward the divine. It is the act of recognizing and honoring one’s spiritual essence.

It is best to do one’s practice consistently to help in the process of spiritual awakening. Attending a Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh encourages focused and dedicated practice, free from distractions, helping individuals to deepen their spiritual journey and connection without interference from other activities.


Adhidaivika tapa is an effective practice that can help anyone achieve more clarity, self-realization, and a deeper connection to the divine. The key to successful adhidaivika tapa is consistency and dedication to one’s practice. These practices have been used for millennia to help individuals achieve greater spiritual insight, balance, and self-awareness. They are powerful and effective when done correctly and consistently.

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